Hier findest du eine Auflistung der aktuellen und früheren Versionen. Solltest du Probleme mit einer aktuellen Version haben, kannst du zu einer älteren Arbeitsversion zurückkehren, indem du auf die Versionsnummer klicken.
Die Historie der Beta-Version finden Sie auf dieser Seite.
New major release. Learn more in our post at pdfify.app/pdfify4
- new Saving PDF/A-2u
- new Conversion to PDF/A also as a quick action
- new Faster display on the web by linearized PDF
- new Standardized maximum page size
- fix Correct sorting when importing multiple files
Stability improvements.
Stability improvements in the areas of Finder extensions and Scanner dialog.
- New option to insert new pages on top of document
- Fix multiple file processing for Finder extension
- Fix Tesseract OCR issue for certain type of JPG images
- Fix loosing annotations on OCR and squeeze
- Ask users on first launch to move the app into Application folder
- Quick Actions option to replace original file
- Import HTML files
- Import all pages of TIFF files
- Improved scanner dialog (simple and advanced mode)
- Other minor improvements
- Batch processing of multiple files at once via Finder Quick Actions
- "Create Searchable PDF"
- "Squeeze PDF"
- Improved text handling for Squeeze
- Many minor improvements
Improving various areas of the app, like:
- Better white space handling for Apple Vision
- Better integration with direct scanning with iPhone (Continuity Camera)
- Stability improvements
- Support for purchases via Paddle
- Apple Silicon (M1) and Big Sur compatibility
- Multi language support for Apple Vision OCR on Big Sur
- Improved squeeze
- New icon :)